
Looking for holiday waste collections in

Cornwall and Devon?

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We are Cornwalls largest independent holiday home waste collection & recycling specialist


We collect from every postcode in Cornwall and cover a large area in Devon with our small purpose-built refuse trucks, no bigger than a van we can access anywhere a car can. We go straight to your bin or bin store no matter where it is and grab your bags because we understand all properties are different and no-one wants to leave waste out for the seagulls! Once your collections are onboard all vans return back to our Waste recycling facility here on the Roseland, where the hard work begins of waste separation, recycling and processing.

What happens after collection?

We are passionate about waste separation & recycling, check out what we do back at our facility and click here

Here at CTC Waste we offer a very unique service to the Holiday Let Waste sector as an extra to our collection service. More so than ever we are all obligated to understand what happens to the waste generated from our activities, CTC own and run their own waste management facility with a large section of the site dedicated to dealing with holiday let waste only. Due to the nature of holiday waste we have found a large amount of reusable material such as glass, metals, plastics & cardboard are being binned every week. We are passionate about separating these materials and processing them into useful products for further recycling and reuse. We have invested circa £500k since 2018 in plant and machinery and created 7 extra jobs in order to recycle this particular waste stream. Click here to find out the innovating ways CTC reuse’s your waste.


How does it work? & where do I sign up?

We like to keep things very simple, no contracts, no annual fee’s, no hidden extra’s. You pay per bag collected and that’s it.

Have a read of the 8 steps as it’s all you’ll need to know to get started.


The 8 Steps

  1. If you like what you see and hear and want to progress forward then you MUST have an account opened with us before you can make a booking. To open an account click here, accounts are opened within a couple of hours of application.

  2. We are a black bag collection service, we will collect your bags from where ever you tell us at your property, (round the back of the house, in the shed, in a bin store etc etc) If you want accuracy to within a meter to guide us to your bin then there’s a handy tool called “what 3 words” that we use, or you can just give us instructions when you open account or book.

  3. We cannot (unless arranged previously) collect loose waste from bins or anywhere else as this can really slow the operation down, waste needs to be bagged to ensure the waste is secure and can be handled by our operatives as they often have to carry the bags down paths to the truck etc.

  4. There is no annual fee from us or contract to sign, you only pay for the bags we collect and we only collect on the days we are booked. The price is £4.20 plus VAT per black standard sized (60 litre) bag and £3.50 per green recycling bag. If you book us and there are no bags to collect a charge of £5.50 plus VAT is levied for the visit.

  5. You are able to put all forms of mixed waste into your black bags, there is no need to separate waste streams as this process is done at our fully equipped waste recycling facility and is where we pride ourselves in waste separation and reuse of recyclables. If you would, however, like to encourage your guests to keep mixed, dry recyclables separate, and put those into green bags, those will be charged at the lower rate of £3.50 per bag. This reduced rate will hopefully encourage guests to recycle, and it makes the splitting of recyclables easier this end. If you would like to know more click here

  6. The cut off time for bookings is 12pm the previous working day, you can make multiple booking in one go and plan for months ahead if you know your property booking schedule. Our booking system is very easy to use and you will receive a confirmation of your bookings once booked. To book click here. You can also cancel bookings and we need 12 hours before to ensure a non-collection charge is not levied.

  7. Customers receive an emailed invoice after every single collection. This invoice also doubles up as a ‘Waste Transfer Note’ which is your legal document completing your ‘Duty of  Care’ on the waste that has been collected. These must be kept for at least 2 years. We suggest you create a folder in your email account and store the data there incase you need to provide it in the future. The invoice is not a demand for immediate payment, as an account holder with us you get 30 days credit terms.

  8. A statement is sent out once a month detailing all of the previous months activity on the account and can be used to pay monthly. Our recommended and most common way to pay is by Direct Debit. Direct Debit payments are taken as each invoice becomes due 30 days from date of issue. We can provide a link to DD setup should you need.

    For more information on our service please check our FAQ’S page and click here

We are real people passionate about customer care, if you can’t find the answers to your questions anywhere on this site, get in touch we would be happy to help.