Our Subscriptions

We offer a 12 month & 6 Month subscription here at CTC Waste. Subscription services allow you to have a fixed fee for the collection and processing of all your waste and recycling. As a permitted and registered Waste carrier and Waste Transfer Station we will also provide for you all the due diligence required to keep your waste management compliant. Every collection has a Waste Transfer note which you have direct access to via your customer portal, and the team are also able to email them out to you on request. All collections will be automatically booked via Jess or Dan in the office, and in the peak and holiday season we will do twice weekly collections.

To prevent spillages and loose waste, all bins will be lined on every collection and Bins Stickered so they are easily identifiable for our Drivers. Although a conventional ‘Bin’ is not necessary (believe us we have collected form all over the place!) we can add notes too our expert drivers who are professionals in seeking bins.

As an added addition the bolt on, our GOLD option includes all of the above + bin cleans. A single bin clean on a 6 month subscription and a Double bin clean on the 12 month subscription.

12 Month - Standard

6 Month - Standard


12 Month Subscription - 2 x Bin Cleans

6 Month Subscription - 1 x Bin Cleans